Elise Bauer

Elise Bauer
Title: Founder
Location: Sacramento, California
Education: Stanford University: BS in Environmental Science; MA in Food Research; MBA from the Graduate School of Business
Expertise: Scratch cooking with whole ingredients
  • Elise is the founder of Simply Recipes, and she served as the site's CEO from 2003 to 2019
  • Elise's recipes reach over 10 million people each month.
  • As a blogging pioneer, Elise has mentored hundreds of food bloggers, and helped build the food blogging industry to where it is today.


About Simply Recipes

Simply Recipes, a Dotdash brand, is here to help you cook delicious meals with less stress and more joy, offering recipes and cooking advice for home cooks, by home cooks. We have more than 3000 tested recipes, guides, and meal plans, and draw over 15 million readers each month. Learn more about us and our editorial process.

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